• Product Description

Pro-Harrow LPH

What does this do?

This is a harrow aimed at customers who are looking for a superior harrowing implement. It is far more efficient at removing moss and thatch from grass and has a stronger scarifying action. This makes it better at stimulating grass growth than a chain harrow as it allows more oxygen to get to grass-roots level. Spring tine harrows are also useful when seeding a paddock - harrow thoroughly, sow the seed then roll the surface with a Ballast Roller to firm the seed into the soil.

The strong 'tilling' action means it can be used on arenas and all-weather gallops to dress the top surface and re-blend the components of a composite surface (such as sand/rubber chip).


Why do I need one?

When using a harrow in paddocks, the dead grass is removed and scarifying the soil surface stimulates the growth of healthy new grass. If  re-seeding, the soil surface requires tilling first. All these things will help improve the grazing. If you need to harrow in awkward places (for example, reversing into corners) or easily move the harrow between paddocks, this version is for you. In your arena or on an all-weather gallop, the harrow can be used to quickly dress the surface and re-blend the components together. Care must be taken to ensure that the membrane underneath an all-weather surface has sufficient depth of covering material to prevent the tines from catching the membrane and accidentally tearing it. The tines have a maximum penetration of 150mm and so the depth of covering should exceed this, being no less than 180mm across the whole of the all-weather surface area.


Where do I use it?

Paddocks, arenas and all-weather gallops.

How does it work?

The Pro-Harrow is hitched to a suitable vehicle (an ATV is ideal for low ground pressure use, but a 4x4 or small tractor can also be used) then the harrow is towed around the paddock, ensuring the whole surface of the paddock is covered both lengthways and crossways. This is best done in the early spring to remove dead grass and thatch from the sward. Although it might look drastic at the time, be as vigorous as you can - the grass will recover very quickly and strong growth will result.


Standard Features

  • 2.0m working width
  • 34 Genuine EinbockTM spring tines
  • Transport  wheels allow easy movement between sites
  • Simple manual raise/lower lever
  • 3 position lever to adjust action


Logic LPH200 Pro-Harrow / LPH200LG

Supplier: Logic
Product Code: LPH200LG

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