Motorhome Driving Endorsements

Minor Convictions Acceptable without reference.

Renters are acceptable at normal terms without referral subject to the following:- Drivers 21 – 22 must be free from Endorsement.

Drivers 23 – 24 are acceptable only if they do not disclose more than one Minor Conviction (see section 5c) within the last 5 years.

Drivers 25 – 75 are acceptable if, in the last 5 years, they have Minor Convictions (see section 5c) which total 6 points or less.

Convictions classed as Major Convictions (see section 5c) are unacceptable at all times



Major Convictions

Accident Offences

AC 10 - Failure to stop and/or give particulars after an 


AC 20 - Failure to give particulars or report an accident within

24 hours.

AC 30 - Undefined accident offence.

MR 19 - Wilful failure to carry out the obligation placed on

driver after being involved in a road accident (hit and 


Disqualified Driver Offences

BA 10 - Driving whilst disqualified by a Court

BA 20 - Driving whilst disqualified by reason of age

BA 30 - Attempting to drive whilst disqualified by a Court

BA 40 - Causing death by driving whilst disqualified

BA 60 - Causing serious injury by driving whilst disqualified

MR 49 - Driving a vehicle whilst disqualified.

MR 59 - Other conduct constituting an offence for which a 

driving disqualification has been imposed by the 

State of Offence.

NE 99 - Non-endorsable offence for which you can be 

disqualified (criminal act, etc…)

TT 99 - Disqualification under ‘totting-up’ procedure.

XX 99 - Over 3 months disqualification under ‘totting-up’ 


Careless Driving Offences

CD 40 - Causing death through careless driving when unfit 

through drink.

CD 50 - Causing death by careless driving when unfit through


CD 60 - Causing death by careless driving with alcohol level

above the limit.

CD 70 - Causing death by careless driving then failing to 

supply a specimen for analysis.

CD 80 - Causing death by careless, or inconsiderate, driving

CD 90 - Causing death by driving: unlicensed, disqualified or

uninsured drivers.



Insurance Offences

IN 10 - Using a vehicle uninsured against third party risks

Licensing Offences

LC 30 - Driving after making a false declaration about fitness

when applying for a licence.

LC 40 - Driving a vehicle having failed to notify a disability

LC 50 - Driving after a licence has been revoked or refused 

on medical grounds.

Miscellaneous Offences

MS 40 - Driving with uncorrected defective eyesight or 

refusing to submit to a test

MS 50 - Motor racing on the highway

MS 60 - Offences not covered by other codes

MS 70 - Driving with uncorrected defective eyesight

MS 80 - Refusing to submit to an eyesight test.

MS 90 - Failure to give information as to identity of driver etc.

Theft of Unauthorised Taking Offences

UT 10 - Taking or driving away a vehicle without consent or 

an attempt thereat

UT 20 - Stealing or attempting to steal a vehicle

UT 30 - Going equipped for stealing or taking a vehicle

UT 40 - Taking or attempting to take a vehicle without 

consent; allowing oneself to be carried in or on a 

vehicle knowing it to have been taken without 


UT 50 - Aggravated taking of a vehicle.

Dangerous Driving Offences

DD 10 - Causing serious injury by dangerous driving

DD 20 - Dangerous speed

DD 30 - Reckless driving

DD 40 - Dangerous driving

DD 60 - Manslaughter or culpable homicide while driving a 


DD 70 - Causing death by reckless driving

DD 80 - Causing death by dangerous driving

DD 90 - Furious driving

MR 09 - Reckless or dangerous driving (whether or not 

resulting in death, injury or serious risk).



Drink and Drug Offences

DG 10 - Driving or attempting to drive with drug level about

the specified limit.

DG 40 - In charge of a vehicle while drug level above 

specified limit.

DG 60 - Causing death by careless driving with drug level 

above the limit.

DR 10 - Driving or attempting to drive with blood/alcohol level

above the limit

DR 20 - Driving or attempting to drive while unfit through 


DR 30 - Driving or attempting to drive then refusing to supply

a specimen for analysis

DR 40 - In charge of a vehicle while alcohol level above limit

DR 50 - In charge of a vehicle while unfit through drink

DR 60 - In charge of a vehicle then refusing to supply a 

specimen for analysis

DR 70 - Failure to provide a specimen for breath test

DR 80 - Driving or attempting to drive when unfit through 


DR 90 - In charge of a vehicle when unfit through drugs.

MR 29 - Driving a vehicle under the influence of alcohol or 

other substance affecting or diminishing the mental 

and physical abilities of a driver.

Minor Convictions

Construction and Use Offences 

CU 10 - Using a vehicle with defective brakes

CU 20 - Using a vehicle with parts or accessories in a 

dangerous condition

CU 30 - Using a vehicle with defective tyres

CU 40 - Using a vehicle with defective steering

CU 50 - Causing or likely to cause danger by reason of load 

of passengers

CU 60 - Undefined failure to comply with construction and 

use regulations.

CU 80 - Breach of requirements as to control of the vehicle,

such as using a mobile phone.



Careless Driving Offences

CD 10 - Driving without due care and attention

CD 20 - Driving without reasonable consideration for other 

road users

CD 30 - Driving without due care and attention or without 

reasonable consideration for other road users.

Licensing Offences

LC 10 - Driving without a licence

LC 20 - Driving otherwise than in accordance with a licence

Miscellaneous Offences

MS 10 - Leaving a vehicle in a dangerous position

MS 20 - Unlawful pillion riding

MS 30 - Playstreet offences

Motorway Offences

MW 10 - Contravention of special road regulations (excluding

speed limits)

Pedestrian Crossing Offences

PC 10 - Undefined contravention of pedestrian crossing 


PC 20 - Contravention of pedestrian crossing regulations 

with moving vehicle

PC 30 - Contravention of pedestrian crossing regulations 

with stationery vehicle

Provisional Licence Offences

PL 10 - Driving without ‘L’ plates

PL 20 - Not accompanied by a qualified person

PL 30 - Carrying a person not qualified

PL 40 - Drawing an unauthorised trailer

PL 50 - Undefined failure to comply with conditions of a 

provisional licence

Speeding Offences

MR 39 - Driving a vehicle faster than the permitted speed

SP 10 - Exceeding goods vehicle speed limit

SP 20 - Exceeding speed limit for type of vehicle

SP 30 - Exceeding statutory speed limit on a public road

SP 40 - Exceeding passenger vehicle speed limit



SP 50 - Exceeding speed limit on a motorway

SP 60 - Undefined speed limit offence

Traffic Direction and Sign Offences

TS 10 - Failing to comply with traffic light signals

TS 20 - Failing to comply with double white lines

TS 30 - Failing to comply with a ‘Stop’ sign

TS 40 - Failing to comply with directions of a traffic 


TS 50 - Failing to comply with a traffic sign

TS 60 - Failing to comply with a school crossing patrol sign

TS 70 - Undefined failure to comply with a traffic direction or

